
  • Lango has collaborated with Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) as the sole sustainability advisor and coordinator to establish a $325 million Sustainable Financing Framework (SFF).
  • Lango's SFF is the largest in African real estate to date, and is currently jointly funded by RMB and Stanbic Bank.
  • This initiative aligns with international best practices to ensure the long-term sustainability of our assets and incorporates several Key Performance Indicators aligned to Lango's sustainability objectives.

Key Performance Indicator

KPI 1: Solar installed capacity

Absolute solar PV installed capacity, which will be measured by the solar PV system size installed as at the point when installation has been completed

KPI 2: Number of green certified buildings achieved and maintained

Attain green building certification by achieving an industry recognisable certificate, measured by the number of buildings green certified

KPI 3: Female representation at board level

Improvement in board level Diversity through the number of females on the board (executive and non-executive members included) as a percentage of the total